Hundreds of thousands of Syrians protested Friday, nine months into their uprising, demanding the Arab League hasten its response to a bloody crackdown on dissent, activists said. The mass protests came after Russia, a longtime ally of Syria's embattled President Bashar al-Assad, drew a guarded response from Western governments for signs of toughening its stance at the United Nations Security Council

Hundreds of thousands of Syrians protested Friday, nine months into their uprising, demanding the Arab League hasten its response to a bloody crackdown on dissent, activists said.

The mass protests came after Russia, a longtime ally of Syria's embattled President Bashar al-Assad, drew a guarded response from Western governments for signs of toughening its stance at the United Nations Security Council.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said more than 200,000 protested in the besieged central city of Homs alone, venting their frustration at the Arab League for postponing a meeting on Syria scheduled for Saturday.

"More than 200,000 demonstrators came out in several neighborhoods of the city after Friday prayers," the U.K.-based organization said in a statement sent to AFP in Nicosia.

Video footage posted online also showed demonstrators taking to the streets of the capital Damascus and the protest hubs of Daraa in the south, Deir Ezzor in the east and the other restive central city of Hama.

"Security Council: Where Is Your Security, Stop Covering The Killers," said a banner carried by protesters in the town of Hass, in northwestern Idlib province, according to some of the footage on YouTube.

Organizers had urged protesters to press the Arab bloc over its postponement of Saturday's emergency foreign ministers' meeting to give more time for Damascus to agree to a deal to end the bloodshed to avoid sanctions.

They had set the slogan for the protests as: "The Arab League is killing us--enough deadlines."

The 22-member bloc approved a package of sanctions against Damascus Nov. 27 after it failed to meet a deadline to agree to an observer mission to monitor implementation of an Arab plan to protect Syrian civilians.

But on Sunday, Foreign Minister Walid Muallem wrote to the Arab League saying Syria would accept the monitors under certain conditions, including the lifting of the sanctions.

The bloc's number two Ahmed Ben Helli said late Thursday that the planned foreign ministers' meeting had been postponed indefinitely while talks continued with Damascus on its offer.

Also Thursday the Arab League held new talks with the Syrian opposition on the eve of the opening in Tunisia of a three-day congress of the Syrian National Council.

SNC leader Burhan Ghaliun said it was vital that the opposition close ranks after the formation in Istanbul Thursday of the National Alliance, another opposition grouping.

"We need to unite the opposition and make it stronger. We need to emerge from this congress with a higher level of organization, clearer targets and more momentum," Ghaliun told AFP.

The SNC is generally regarded as the main civilian opposition coalition and includes the local committees running protests in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood as well as parties representing the Kurdish and Assyrian minorities.

However, announcing the formation of the National Alliance, Mohammed Bessam Imadi, a former Syrian ambassador to Sweden, charged the SNC had "lost contact with local revolutionary movements in Syria."

The Syrian opposition has been pushing hard for the U.N. Security Council to take tough action against Damascus after a European draft that would have threatened "targeted measures" against regime figures was blocked by Beijing and Moscow in October.

The new text circulated by Russia late Thursday still makes no mention of sanctions but strongly condemns the violence by "all parties, including disproportionate use of force by Syrian authorities," according to a copy obtained by AFP.

In line with Moscow's insistence that its ally has been facing an armed rebellion not the overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations cited by the West, the draft also raises concern over "the illegal supply of weapons to the armed groups in Syria."

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed renewed criticism of that position but said the U.S. hoped it could work with Russia on the text.

"There are some issues in it that we would not be able to support. There's unfortunately a seeming parity between the government and peaceful protesters," she said.

"But we are going to study the draft carefully."

The crisis in Syria was be discussed during talks between U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Turkish President Abdullah Gul in Ankara later Friday.