Russia is considering selling a stake in state-controlled oil giant OAO Rosneft in 2013 and 2014, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov was quoted as saying Friday by Russian newswires. "We are considering selling Rosneft shares next year and in 2014 and we believe that it [stake] will be sold, as soon as possible, when the time is best for the placement. That is the position both of the company's management and the head of the government," Prime and Interfax news agencies reported Mr. Shuvalov as saying
Russia is considering selling a stake in state-controlled oil giant OAO Rosneft in 2013 and 2014, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov was quoted as saying Friday by Russian newswires.

"We are considering selling Rosneft shares next year and in 2014 and we believe that it [stake] will be sold, as soon as possible, when the time is best for the placement. That is the position both of the company's management and the head of the government," Prime and Interfax news agencies reported Mr. Shuvalov as saying. 

Rosneft--75.5% of which is owned by the state--has been slated for privatization by the government. But analysts have questioned when such a sale could take place, as the company is considering its own asset purchases.

Rosneft, whose Chief Executive Igor Sechin is an ally of President Vladimir Putin, is poised to become the largest global oil producer after submitting a bid Thursday for BP PLC's 50% stake in TNK-BP, Russia's No. 3 producer.

Mr. Sechin also heads Rosneftegaz, a state holding company with shares in Rosneft and OAO Gazprom, which he has pushed as a vehicle to buy up other state energy and power-generating assets slated for sale. Mr. Shuvalov Friday repeated the government's opposition to the plan.

"We think its essential to limit the possibility for companies that are controlled by the government to take part in privatization deals," Prime quoted him as saying.