EU Plan To Cap CO2 Car Emissions From 2012

EU Plan To Cap CO2 Car Emissions From 2012

The European Union Wednesday proposed to cap polluting car emissions, fashioned so that producers of heavier, larger cars such as Mercedes and BMW will have to do more to cut their emissions or face stiff fines. The E.U. proposed a sliding scale based on a car's weight to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 120 grams a kilometer by 2012.

EU Likely To Propose Plan To Trade Renewable Energy Goals

EU Likely To Propose Plan To Trade Renewable Energy Goals

A European Union energy directive to help member states meet new targets set earlier this year on renewable energy use is very likely to include a proposal for a trading mechanism so countries can trade their individual targets on renewable energy, a spokesman said Wednesday.

Iran: Nuclear Fuel Shipment Strengthens Ties With Russia

Iran: Nuclear Fuel Shipment Strengthens Ties With Russia

Iran: Nuclear Fuel Shipment Strengthens Ties With Russia DJ, AP Iran received its first nuclear fuel from Russia after a long delay on Monday, paving the way for the startup of its 1,000 megawatt Bushehr light-water reactor in 2008.

Project Company formed for Trans-Balkan Pipeline

Project Company formed for Trans-Balkan Pipeline

Russia, Bulgaria and Greece signed an agreement yesterday for the creation of a project company, Burgas-Alexandroupolis, for the trans-Balkan pipeline that will take oil from Bulgaria to Greece

Iraqi Govt Says Turkey Raid An Attack On Sovereignty

Iraqi Govt Says Turkey Raid An Attack On Sovereignty

Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh urged Ankara to end the military action - which comes after weeks of mounting cross-border tensions - and use dialogue to solve the rebel issue.

ΔΕΗ: Φυγή προς τα Εμπρός

ΔΕΗ: Φυγή προς τα Εμπρός

Τις τελευταίες ημέρες η ΔΕΗ και η διοίκησή της βάλλονται πανταχόθεν. Από τα αριστερά λόγω της νέας επιβάρυνσης που θα επιφέρουν στον οικογενειακό προϋπολογισμό τα αυξημένα τιμολόγια. Από την βιομηχανία για το επιπλέον κόστος στην παραγωγική διαδικασία. Από τους συνδικαλιστές για δήθεν κρυφό σχέδιο της διοίκησης για εκχώρηση του μάνατζμεντ σε ξένα συμφέροντα.

Gazprom Chmn, BP CEO Discuss Finalization Of Kovykta Deal

Gazprom Chmn, BP CEO Discuss Finalization Of Kovykta Deal

Gazprom's chairman and BP PLC's (BP) chief executive have made progress on the finalization of the Russian giant's acquisition of a stake in the Kovykta project, Gazprom said late Monday.

Iran:Bushehr Nuclear Plant At Full Capacity In Yr

Iran:Bushehr Nuclear Plant At Full Capacity In Yr

Iran expects its first nuclear power plant will produce electricity at full capacity in around a year after passing a "critical stage" with the delivery of fuel from Russia, a top official said on Tuesday.

WSJ: Pentagon To Report Iran Still Smuggling Weapons To Iraq

WSJ: Pentagon To Report Iran Still Smuggling Weapons To Iraq

A Pentagon report will accuse Iran of continuing to funnel weapons and training personnel into Iraq, adding fuel to a heated debate among U.S. policy makers about whether Iran deserves any credit for the steep declines in Iraq's once-unrelenting violence.