Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Greece - Bulgaria Pipe to Break Gazprom Monopoly

Greece - Bulgaria Pipe to Break Gazprom Monopoly

Implementing an agreement to construct a gas interconnector betweenBulgariaandGreece, whichis likely to be signed in early July, is important for the energy security of Southeast Europe, Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov told New Europe in an interview.

Vienna is Not Looking Good for Tehran

Vienna is Not Looking Good for Tehran

Optimism is not abundant and no one will be wishing the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, to “break a leg.” Confirming a statement by Iran’s Forein Minister, Javad Zerif, on Monday, the US Secretary of State admitted on Thursday that a nuclear deal may not be wrapped up by June 30thas initially envisaged.

A Deal for Greece

A Deal for Greece

We have always maintained beyond a doubt that Greece and its Creditors would, sooner or later, reach an agreement, rather than let Greece collapse.

France Spain Portugal to Push Mid Cat Pipeline

France Spain Portugal to Push Mid Cat Pipeline

In an effort to boost EU energy diversification, France, Spain and Portugal are expected to seal a deal early next week to increase exports of Algerian gas to Europe.

Natural Gas in China Likely to Remain a Buyer’s Market

Natural Gas in China Likely to Remain a Buyer’s Market

The oil and gas sector in Europe has been a buyer’s market for some time. China’s market is following. All factors converge to price deceleration. It is a buyer’s market, globally.

Kazakhstan Aims to Cut CO2 Emissions as Paris Summit Nears

Kazakhstan Aims to Cut CO2 Emissions as Paris Summit Nears

The government of the Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan is looking to crack down on greenhouse gas emissions. That will affect all industrial enterprises, but mostly, the oil and gas, metallurgy, and electricity sectors.

Iran’s FM Meets EU Counterparts in Luxemburg

Iran’s FM Meets EU Counterparts in Luxemburg

Iran’s nuclear programme was discussed by the country’s foreign minister, Mohamad Javad Zarif, and his German and French counterparts, on the sidelines of the June 22 meeting of top European Union diplomats in Luxembourg.

Greece and The EU: Close to a Revolving Interim Deal

Greece and The EU: Close to a Revolving Interim Deal

The people of Greece, after a long period of relaxing nirvana, suddenly entered into a phase of mass hysteria that divided them into two camps: those who want to stay in the European Union and the Eurozone at any cost and those who have declared war against Greece’s European partners and fervently support a Grexit and the return to the drachma.

EU Scrutiny For Russian Pipeline Through Greece

EU Scrutiny For Russian Pipeline Through Greece

A Gazprom-driven pipeline that wants to bring Russian gas to Europe through Greece and Turkey will have to comply with EU law, European Commission’s Vice President for Energy UnionMaros Sefcovic told New Europe on June 20.

OPEC Keeps Pumping Greek Crisis Spikes Oil Prices

OPEC Keeps Pumping Greek Crisis Spikes Oil Prices

A statement from the Bank of Greece warning of pending economic disaster and indications of strong oil demand sent Brent crude prices up nearly 2% on June 17.

Grexit Inevitable If No Deal is Found says Bank of Greece

Grexit Inevitable If No Deal is Found says Bank of Greece

“Failure to reach an agreement would lead initially to a Greek default and ultimately to the country’s exit from the euro area and – most likely – from the European Union,” the Bank of Greece said in a reportpublished Wednesday.