Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Only Juncker Can Save Greece

Only Juncker Can Save Greece

Yes, Jean Claude Juncker can save Greece, in less than a months time, without money at the table and without anybody's help.

ECBs Warning Shot for Greece and the Eurozone

ECB's Warning Shot for Greece and the Eurozone

With a, mostly political in nature, shot across the bow of both Greece and the Eurozone the European Central Bank announced yesterday that as of 11 February it will no longer accept Greek sovereign bonds as collateral for liquidity.

The Ties That Bind

The Ties That Bind

Alexis Tsipras has said he will ditch his casual look once Greece gets a deal. The young Greek leader has gone with the relaxed open collar look, but that may change if and when Greece gets a deal.

Flying Colours - Debt - Carrying Tsipras Breezes Through Brussels

Flying Colours - Debt - Carrying Tsipras Breezes Through Brussels

Eagerly expected in Brussels, Alexis Tsipras, the New Greek premier, breezed through the EU institutions, meeting in just about two hours the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the Council President Donald Tusk, and the speaker of the EU parliament Martin Schulz.

EU and Greece Unite Over Greek Oligarchs

EU and Greece Unite Over Greek Oligarchs

There is one word that explains the apparent (and surprising to most) flexibility of the EU and the Eurozone towards Greece, just one week after anti-austerity SYRIZA won the parliamentary elections in Greece: Oligarchs.

Junckers Pledge to Replace the Troika

Juncker's Pledge to Replace the Troika

Indirectly confirming the German newspaper "Handelsblatt" which on Monday wrote that Commission president Jean Claude Junckeris supporting the end of the Troika, the Commission's spokesman, Margaritis Schinas, quoted a pledge given by Junckerhimself at the beginning of his term to replace it.

The Not So Legitimate Troika: Commission Softens its Tone Towards Greece

The Not So Legitimate Troika: Commission Softens its Tone Towards Greece

Commission spokesman MargaritisSchinassaid today in Brussels that the Troika could give way to "a more democratically legitimate and more accountable structure, based around European institutions with enhanced parliamentary control both at European and at national level.”

Oil Slump Weak Ruble Ukraine Make Gazprom Reassess Plans

Oil Slump Weak Ruble Ukraine Make Gazprom Reassess Plans

Hit by falling energy prices, a weaker ruble and a pricing dispute with Ukraine, Russian gas monopoly Gazprom said on January 29 that third-quarter net income dropped to 106 billion rubles ($1.5 billion) from 276 billion rubles or 62% a year earlier.

In Cyprus Tsipras Tough on Turkey Easy on Russia

In Cyprus Tsipras Tough on Turkey Easy on Russia

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who arrived in Cyprus on February 2 on his first official visit since being sworn in a week ago, said the violation of Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf by Turkish seismic vesselBarbaros “constitutes a blatant violation of international law and undermines the necessary talks between the two sides”.

Podemos - March for Change Gathers 100.000 in Madrid

Podemos - March for Change Gathers 100.000 in Madrid

Counting down the time until Spain experiences a similar political change as Greece, more than 100.000 demonstrators rallied on Madrid's “Puerta del Sol” in support of “Podemos”, the Spanish anti-austerity party that was created just a year earlier and is now the second in Spain in terms of membership while opinion polls predict that it may win the parliamentary elections at the end of 2015.

Greek Government Shapes the Field

Greek Government Shapes the Field

Just one week after snap election in Greece brought to power leftist and anti-austerity SYRIZA, it is already possible to chart some of the shock waves reverberating across Europe. This by itself is a first.

Will Tsipras Challenge the Robbery of the Century?

Will Tsipras Challenge the Robbery of the Century?

One of the very first decisions taken by the new Greek government, was to stop the privatization of 15 airports. If you think that this provision was of Socialist inspiration you are wrong. The new government simply stopped the looting of the country, as it happened before with the construction and management of the Athens airport. If this means to be Socialist, then I am Communist. But I am neither.

Greece Blocks More EU Sanctions -  Russia Offers Athens Aid

Greece Blocks More EU Sanctions - Russia Offers Athens Aid

Sanctions-hit Russia would consider extending financial aid to debt-ridden Greece if Athens were to make a request, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said. His remarks come after the opposition of new Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ government to the introduction ofnew sanctions against Russia. Athens has stressed that the restrictions will bring economic problems to a number of European states, including Greece.

EU Plans to Fight Online Terrorist Propaganda

EU Plans to Fight Online Terrorist Propaganda

The EU is planning to take steps to tackle terrorist use of the internet to gain support and publicity. EU Home Affairs Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos says the EU intends to "enhance existing cooperation with the Internet industry and to strengthen the commitment of social media platforms to reduce illegal content online."

Greece Blocks the Adoption of a Common Resolution on Russia

Greece Blocks the Adoption of a Common Resolution on Russia

Greece blocked the adoption of a common resolution on Russia at the level of thepermanentrepresentatives to EU preparing the resolution for this afternoon's extraordinary meeting of Foreign Ministers.