English Edition

How India Will be Affected by Iran’s Nuclear Deal

How India Will be Affected by Iran’s Nuclear Deal

The deal to lift international sanctions against Iran will allow India (and many other countries) to reinvigorate its economic and strategic ties with Tehran, reports the BBC

Part of New Privatization Fund’s Revenues Will Go Toward Growth

Part of New Privatization Fund’s Revenues Will Go Toward Growth

TAIPED will be the basis for the new guarantee fund for state asset privatizations as agreed on Monday at the eurozone summit meeting in Brussels. The aim is to beef up the existing sell-off fund with assets that will generate revenues of 50 billion euros in the long term (estimated at between 30 and 35 years)

Secret IMF Report - Greece Needs Debt Relief Far Beyond EU Plans

Secret IMF Report - Greece Needs Debt Relief Far Beyond EU Plans

Greece will need far bigger debt relief than euro zone partners have been prepared to envisage so far due to the devastation of its economy and banks in the last two weeks, a confidential study by the International Monetary Fund seen by Reuters shows

Iran Nuke Deal Opens Door for Lower Oil Prices

Iran Nuke Deal Opens Door for Lower Oil Prices

Oil prices fell on July 14 after diplomats declared that world powers and Tehran had struck a landmark deal to curb Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for billions of dollars in relief from international sanctions. The end of sanctions means new investments in Iran’s oil production and more oil coming into the market at a time when it is already "massively oversupplied”, according to the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA)

Greece: Hydrocarbon Block Tender Still On

Greece: Hydrocarbon Block Tender Still On

The tender for the concession of 20 blocks for hydrocarbon exploration in the Ionian Sea and south of Crete will continue regardless of recommendations by certain companies to postpone it due to low oil rates and the political uncertainty in Greece

EBRD is Supporting Montenegros First Commercial Wind Power Plant

EBRD is Supporting Montenegro's First Commercial Wind Power Plant

In a landmark project for Montenegro’s energy sector, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the first commercial wind power plant in Montenegro, to be located at Krnovo, near the town of Niksic in the western part of the country

Greece: Energean Completed a New 3D Seismic Survey in the Prinos Oil Field

Greece: Energean Completed a New 3D Seismic Survey in the Prinos Oil Field

Energean Oil & Gas, the international oil & gas exploration and production company focused on the Mediterranean and North Africa, is pleased to announce that it has completed a new 3D seismic survey over the Prinos Oil Field and its surrounding licenses, in the Gulf of Kavala, North Eastern Greece

Nord Stream Expansion Brings Controversy

Nord Stream Expansion Brings Controversy

Claims targeting Russia over the Nord Stream-2 pipeline project claiming it unnecessary and harmful to Ukraine are exaggerated, according to Nikos Tsafos, president and chief analyst of Enalytica, a Washington-based energy-think tank on Saturday

Iran Needs 5 Years to Become Major Gas Exporter: Fitch

Iran Needs 5 Years to Become Major Gas Exporter: Fitch

Iran is looking towards at least five years to boost its natural gasproduction and exports, even if sanctions on the country are removed with a successful final nuclear deal with the P5+1 group, Fitch Ratings said Friday. "Iran has the long-term potential to become one of the world's top gas producers...but...it will take at least five years to ramp up production and build the pipelines necessary to become a large gas exporter," Fitch said

Greece Secures New Bailout Deal From Creditors

Greece Secures New Bailout Deal From Creditors

The foundations of a new bailout deal for Greece have been agreed though tough negotiations still lie ahead to end its financial crisis. Sixteen hours of talks overnight between the leaders of eurozone nations broke up with EUpresident Donald Tusk tweeting that there had been a unanimous agreement on a programme that included "serious reforms" and "financial support"

Nuclear Talks at Critical Stage Talks Though Weekend

Nuclear Talks at Critical Stage Talks Though Weekend

Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 (Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US) entered a critical stage and Iranian Foreign Mohammad Javad Zarif said the talks will continue through the weekend.

Russia, India Boost Oil Partnership at BRICS Summit

Russia, India Boost Oil Partnership at BRICS Summit

At the BRICS summit, Russia’s top state oil producer Rosneft signed an agreement withthe Indian corporation Essar onJuly 8 to deliver oil over a period of ten years and agreed to buy a 49% stake in India’s second-largest oil refinery.

When China Met Grexit

When China Met Grexit

The Shanghai Composite index bounced back on Thursday gaining 5,8%, following government intervention that started with lowering interest rates, escalated with direct asset buyingand ended up with the barring of major company shareholders from trading for the next six months.