English Edition

FDI in Bulgaria Grows to 317.3 Mln Euro in Q1

FDI in Bulgaria Grows to 317.3 Mln Euro in Q1

Foreign direct investments (FDI) in Bulgaria in the first quarter of 2015 reached 317.3 milion euro ($361.8 million), a 3.5-fold increase as compared to the like period a year earlier, the country's investment promotion agency said on Tuesday.

19th Roundtable With the Government of Greece - Conclusions

19th Roundtable With the Government of Greece - Conclusions

• The background for the Roundtable, as former Italian prime minister Enrico Letta pointed out, was an improving euro-zone economy with a trio of favourable factors: quantitative easing (QE) from the European Central Bank (ECB), cheaper oil and a cheaper euro.

Opower: EU Citizens at the Core of Behavioural Energy Efficiency

Opower: EU Citizens at the Core of Behavioural Energy Efficiency

It is critical that energy efficiency is a core point of the EU’s Energy Union, an ambitious effort spearheaded by Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic, aiming to further integrate Europe’s energy infrastructure, harmonise regulations and create supranational EU authority in some areas.

Sleepless in Seattle: Shell Readies for Arctic Drilling

Sleepless in Seattle: Shell Readies for Arctic Drilling

Royal Dutch Shell is moving ahead with plans to park two Arctic oil drilling rigs in Seattle amidst a showdown between environmentalists and oil exploration advocates over tapping reserves in the remote Arctic Ocean off Alaska’s coast.

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica Net Profit Rises 11% Y/Y in Q1

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica Net Profit Rises 11% Y/Y in Q1

Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Romania's sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda, said on Thursday itsnet profit rose 11% on the year to 35.4 million lei($9 million/7.9 million euro) in the first quarter of 2015.

EU Urges Slovenia to Set Privatisation NPL Resolution Targets

EU Urges Slovenia to Set Privatisation NPL Resolution Targets

The European Commission (EC) has urged Slovenia to set specific targets for bringing down non-performing loans (NPLs) and to adopt a strategy for the operation of state holding company SDH, which is in charge of the privatisation processes in the country.

Iran Nuclear Deal Triggers Rift Between Traditional Allies

Iran Nuclear Deal Triggers Rift Between Traditional Allies

Nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers resumed in Vienna on May 12. The members of the UN Security Council (U.S., Britain, France, Russia and China) plus Germany are aiming to finalize a deal with Iran by June 30 regarding its nuclear program.