English Edition

The Fear

The Fear

The basic reason for creating a European Union was to stop the continent from being afraid of Germany, so it is alarming to see a fear of Germany reappearing in many capitals of Europe.

Calling Each Others Bluff: The German - Greek Poker Keeps EU Hostage

Calling Each Other's Bluff: The German - Greek Poker Keeps EU Hostage

Another round of negotiations takes place today in Brussels, after Greece dropped key demands for a bailout settlement, but had its proposal rejected by lead lender Germany, which criticized Athens' latest proposals as a "Trojan horse" designed to dodge its commitments.

The Zorbas Syndrome

The Zorbas Syndrome

Ordinary Greeks are living in extraordinary times. In less than a month, after five years of extended misery looming all over the country, Greeks, all Greeks regardless of howthey have voted in the January 25 election, changed attitude and swiftly became Zorbases.

Enel Puts on Hold Sale of Romanian Assets

Enel Puts on Hold Sale of Romanian Assets

Italian power group Enel said on Thursday it has put on hold the planned sale of assets in Romania after reaching its target for debt reduction at the end of 2014.

Seven in Bid Frame for Croatian Onshore Oil Gas Blocks

Seven in Bid Frame for Croatian Onshore Oil Gas Blocks

A total of seven offers were filed in the first licensing round forhydrocarbons exploration and production in Croatia's eastern Slavonia region, the country's economy ministry said.

Varoufakis Letter to Dijsselbloem

Varoufakis Letter to Dijsselbloem

Letter sent to the Eurogroup president, Jeroen Dijsselbloem by Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis

Germany Rejects Greek Request After Commission Says its Positive

Germany Rejects Greek Request After Commission Says it's Positive

Hours after Greece sent a request for extending Athens' programme even before it is discussed in the Eurogroup on Friday, German Finance Ministry spokesman Martin Jaeger saidthat the request sent today bythe new Greek government "is not a substantial proposal for a solution."

Putin Says Russia Ready to Extend Turkish Stream Pipeline to Bulgaria

Putin Says Russia Ready to Extend Turkish Stream Pipeline to Bulgaria

Russian president Vladimir Putin said his country is ready to discuss with the European Union alternative options to the South Stream gas pipeline project, including an extension ofthe planned Turkish Stream pipeline to Bulgaria, Moscow-based media reported on Wednesday.

Orban Defies EU to Host Putin in Hungary

Orban Defies EU to Host Putin in Hungary

Viktor Orban rose to fame in a live television appearance in 1989 when he demanded that Soviet troops leave Hungary so it could escape a "dead-end street" and embrace its western future.

EU Mulls Energy Union Independence Efficiency

EU Mulls Energy Union Independence Efficiency

As the European Commission is expected to release its Energy Union communication on February25, European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said the creation of a single market is closely related to a reduction in dependency on energy imports and to an increase in the security of energy supplies.