English Edition

Greece Blocks the Adoption of a Common Resolution on Russia

Greece Blocks the Adoption of a Common Resolution on Russia

Greece blocked the adoption of a common resolution on Russia at the level of thepermanentrepresentatives to EU preparing the resolution for this afternoon's extraordinary meeting of Foreign Ministers.

EU Plans to Fight Online Terrorist Propaganda

EU Plans to Fight Online Terrorist Propaganda

The EU is planning to take steps to tackle terrorist use of the internet to gain support and publicity. EU Home Affairs Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos says the EU intends to "enhance existing cooperation with the Internet industry and to strengthen the commitment of social media platforms to reduce illegal content online."

Shell Cuts Spending But Pursues Arctic

Shell Cuts Spending But Pursues Arctic

Feeling the pinch of the sharp crude oil price drop,energy giant Royal Dutch Shell said on January 29 that it plans to cut spending by $15 billion.

Saudi Arabia Cannot Kill US Shale Production

Saudi Arabia Cannot Kill US Shale Production

The collapse in crude oil pricewas increased by the Saudi-led OPECdecision to maintain production in the face of an emerging glut of supply. It is no secret that Riyadh wanted to knock out higher-cost production, with the obvious target the US shale industry which, after increasing US oil production by about a third in four years, was reducing the oil market share of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

First EU - Greece Clash Over Ukraine

First EU - Greece Clash Over Ukraine

Greece objects to the Statement of the Heads of State or Government published today by the European Council and is accusing the Council as well as EEAS and Federica Mogherini for proceeding without Greece's consent, just minutes after the new Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras took office in Athens.

Greece Does Not Agree With Spirit of Sanction Against Russia Dpt. Foreign Minister

Greece Does Not Agree With Spirit of Sanction Against Russia Dpt. Foreign Minister

“We do not agree with the spirit of the sanctions against Russia, which has adverse repercussions not only in agriculture as far as the economy of our country is concerned, but also more generally," Alternate Foreign Minister for European Affairs Nikos Chountis said in an interview with ANA-MPA, the semi-official Greek news agency.

Romanian Antitrust Body Fines Four Drilling Cos for Rigging Romgaz Tenders

Romanian Antitrust Body Fines Four Drilling Cos for Rigging Romgaz Tenders

Romania's competition council said on Tuesday it has fined four local drilling companies a combined 13 million lei ($3.3 million/2.9 million euro) for agreeing beforehand on bids to be placed in tenders organised by state-controlled natural gas producer Romgaz.

Bosnias EPBiH Plans to Raise Electricity Output by 3.3% in 2015

Bosnia's EPBiH Plans to Raise Electricity Output by 3.3% in 2015

Bosnian state-controlled power utility Elektroprivreda BiH [SAJ:JPESR] said on Tuesday it plans to raise electricity output by 3.3% to 7,651 GWh in 2015, mostly due to expected shorter downtime at its thermal power plants for regular overhauls.

The New Greece and NATO’s World of Warcraft

The New Greece and NATO’s World of Warcraft

The crash of a GreekF-16military aircraft in Spain on Monday, on the very day of the inauguration of the new Greek prime minister, leader of the radical left Alexis Tsipras, could seem like abad omen for Greece’s status in NATO.

Azerbaijan EU Step Up Southern Gas Corridor Efforts

Azerbaijan EU Step Up Southern Gas Corridor Efforts

On February 12, the first meeting of the advisory council for the Southern Gas Corridor will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, an important alterative supplier for the EU, the head of Azerbaijan’s Mission to the EU told New Europe.