English Edition

Turkey Targets 20 GW of Wind Power Capacity by 2023

Turkey Targets 20 GW of Wind Power Capacity by 2023

Turkey will aim to have 20,000 megawatts (MW) of installed wind power capacity by 2023 while meeting 20% of its energy demand from wind energy by that time, local media reported, quoting the chairman of the Turkish Wind Energy Association.

Iran After Sanctions Eldorado for Turkish Companies

Iran After Sanctions Eldorado for Turkish Companies

The first countries to seize business opportunities in Iran will secure the best advantages, according to the vice chairman of Turkish-Iranian Business Council at the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK), who says an increasing number of Turkish companies are seeking to invest in Iran despite U.S. warnings.

Serbia: Kolumbara Exceeds the Planned Coal Output

Serbia: Kolumbara Exceeds the Planned Coal Output

First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that the mining basin Kolubara has exceeded the planned coal output by one million tonne, and that the 26-year-old record of 116,000 tonnes produced in a single day was broken on 8 February.

EVN Bulgaria Plans 36 mln euro in Distribution Grid Spend in 2014

EVN Bulgaria Plans 36 mln euro in Distribution Grid Spend in 2014

EVN plans to pour around 70 million levs ($48.9 million/35.8 million euro) in the electricity distribution grid it operates in southeast Bulgaria this year after investing in it 73 million levs in 2013, the CEO of the Austrian group’s local unit said.

Turkeys Turcas Petrol Opens Talks to Sell 13.5% of Refinery Project to Socar

Turkey's Turcas Petrol Opens Talks to Sell 13.5% of Refinery Project to Socar

Turkish integrated energy company Turcas Petrol [BIST:TRCAS] said its unit Turcas Rafineri Yatirimlari has started talks with Rafineri Holding, a unit of Azeri state-owned oil and gas firm Socar, on the sale of a 13.5% stake in the Star Refinery project in western Turkey.

Not Many News on the 5,000 km Iranian Turkish Gas Pipeline

Not Many News on the 5,000 km Iranian Turkish Gas Pipeline

With local elections looming in March, presidential elections later in the year and general elections in 2015, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has been keen to play up his government's record of major infrastructure investment.

Croatia Supports MOL Divestment- Erste

Croatia Supports MOL Divestment- Erste

The chances are growing that MOL will divest its 49.2% INA stake to a Russian buyer, as amicable agreement with the Croatian government is further away than ever and Croatia itself supports the deal, as it would be a seller along with the Hungarian company. The transaction might be a trigger for MOL stock.

Bulgargaz Plans to Seek No Change in Q2 Gas Prices

Bulgargaz Plans to Seek No Change in Q2 Gas Prices

Bulgaria's gas monopoly Bulgargaz said on Monday it would propose that natural gas prices for local consumers remain unchanged in the second quarter of 2014.

Turkey’s Borusan Holding and German EnBW Plan 5 Separate Wind Farms

Turkey’s Borusan Holding and German EnBW Plan 5 Separate Wind Farms

Borusan EnBW Enerji, an Istanbul-based renewable energy company jointly established by Turkey’s Borusan Holding and German EnBW, has signed a deal with the Danish company Vestas Wind Systems to supply turbines to power new and existing wind farms in Turkey.

Romanian State-run Nuclear Power Company Expects its Net Profit to Fall

Romanian State-run Nuclear Power Company Expects its Net Profit to Fall

Romanian state-run nuclear power company Nuclearelectrica (SNN.RO) expects its net profit will fall sixteen-fold to 27.9 million lei (EUR6.23 million) in 2014, from a record profit of RON456.7 million envisaged for last year, largely due to lower operating income.

LNG for Coastal Shipping in Greece

LNG for Coastal Shipping in Greece

Among the solutions being examined by the coastal shipping sector for its sustainability during this difficult period is cutting fuel costs and reducing pollution through the installation of new engines that use liquefied natural gas (LNG), reports Kathimerini.

Sun Group, Turboden Plan to Build 200 MW in Geothermal Plants in Turkey

Sun Group, Turboden Plan to Build 200 MW in Geothermal Plants in Turkey

Turkish railway and green energy firm Sun Group Ltd and Italian turbogenerator systems producer Turboden have signed a letter of intent (LoI) to build two geothermal power plants with 100 megawatt (MW) capacity each at a total cost of 300 million euro ($408 million) in Turkey, local media reported on Friday.

MOL Romania has Expanded its Nation-Wide Retail Network

MOL Romania has Expanded its Nation-Wide Retail Network

MOL Romania has expanded its nation-wide retail network to 147 filling stations after the company opened four new units in Marghita (Bihor County), Eforie (Constanta County), Ilia (Hunedoara County) and Morareni (Mures County).

CEO of State Power Co NEK Steps Down

CEO of State Power Co NEK Steps Down

The chief executive officer of state-owned electricity company NEK, Yordan Zhelev, has decided to step down, energy minister Dragomir Stoynev said.

Photovoltaic Module Maker Talesun Plans to Invest in Turkey

Photovoltaic Module Maker Talesun Plans to Invest in Turkey

Photovoltaic module and panel maker Talesun joins the series of Chinese companies investing in Turkey’s solar energy sector. The company has entered into a partnership with local company Ege Trade to establish an equal share JV under the name of Talesun Anadolu Solar Enerji with the intention of planning and implementing solar energy projects in Turkey.