English Edition

Brent May Average $125/Bbl In 2013 -Barclays

Brent May Average $125/Bbl In 2013 -Barclays

The average Brent crude price in 2013 will likely be $125/bbl, while Nymex crude may average $115/bbl, after factoring in market balances and a "faster pace of international geopolitics in 2013 and greater market attention to the geopolitical background" compared with 2012, Barclays says.

BP Says Talks Ongoing on Abu Dhabi Concessions

BP Says Talks Ongoing on Abu Dhabi Concessions

BP PLC (BP) has downplayed a report that it has been snubbed by Abu Dhabi's national oil company in preliminary bidding for rights to develop the emirate's largest onshore oil fields.

France To Limit Natural Gas Tariffs Increases To Inflation

France To Limit Natural Gas Tariffs Increases To Inflation

Natural gas tariffs won't rise in France by more than the rate of inflation, French newspapers said Thursday, reporting remarks made by Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault in a TV interview overnight.

Algeria May Lose $20 Billion Revenue If Oil Prices Continue To Drop

Algeria May Lose $20 Billion Revenue If Oil Prices Continue To Drop

OPEC member Algeria may lose $20 billion of its oil revenues in a year if crude prices continue to drop, the country's Energy Minister Youcef Yousfi told state radio late Wednesday, a day after backing an emergency meeting of the oil exporters' group in the event of renewed declines in prices.

Gazprom CEO: Shtokman Deal May Be Delayed

Gazprom CEO: Shtokman Deal May Be Delayed

The new deal on Arctic natural-gas project Shtokman, led by Russia's natural gas monopoly OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS), may suffer a minor delay, the company's Chief Executive said Thursday, Interfax reported.

IEA Sees China Driving Green Power Growth Through 2017

IEA Sees China Driving Green Power Growth Through 2017

Electricity generated from renewable sources is forecast to grow by an average 5.8% a year from 2011-2017 to reach a total of 6,400 terawatt hours in 2017, the International Energy Agency said in a report published Thursday.

PPC Secures Refinancing Deal

PPC Secures Refinancing Deal

Public Power Corporation, Greece’s biggest electricity company, reached a refinancing deal on 525 million euros of debt with three banks. The Athens-based company said Wednesday the average interest rate secured in the refinancing deal was 8.9 percent from 8.1 percent before. Public Power also said its cost of total debt remains below 5.5 percent.

Bulgarian Power Exports Slip on Capacity Cuts

Bulgarian Power Exports Slip on Capacity Cuts

Bulgarian power exports fell by 22pc in January-June compared with the same period last year as interconnection capacity made available to the market was cut.

Total Discovers Gas In Norwegian North Sea

Total Discovers Gas In Norwegian North Sea

French oil giant Total SA (TOT) said Wednesday it had participated in a significant gas and condensation discovery in the Norwegian North Sea that could prompt the group to set up a new processing hub in the area before the end of the decade.

Egypt Gas Supply to Jordan Capped at 100M CF/D until Sept

Egypt Gas Supply to Jordan Capped at 100M CF/D until Sept

Jordan's minister of energy and mineral resources Alaa Batayneh said the country has been told by Egypt that the average supply of Egyptian natural gas to his county until September won't exceed 100 million cubic feet a day, Amman-based Ad Dustour daily reports Wednesday.