English Edition

Novatek Planning Move Into Oil Industry

Novatek Planning Move Into Oil Industry

Privately-owned Russian natural gas company Novatek is moving into oil production in the latest sign of its rapid expansion, business newspaper Vedomosti reported Friday.

EDF Lowers FY Nuclear Output Target As Revenue Grows 6.9%

EDF Lowers FY Nuclear Output Target As Revenue Grows 6.9%

Electricité de France SA (EDF.FR) Thursday lowered its nuclear output target for the year but kept its financial objectives as it reported a 6.9% increase in revenue for the first nine months of the year, thanks to price hikes in the summer, the integration of Edison's sales and the colder weather than usual in the first half.

Romania OMV Petrom 3Q Net Profit Rises 47% to RON1.3B

Romania OMV Petrom 3Q Net Profit Rises 47% to RON1.3B

Romania's leading oil and gas company OMV Petrom (SNP.RO) Thursday reported a 47% rise in third-quarter net profit helped by higher oil prices and lower production costs, news agency Mediafax reports.

Ukraine to Submit Proposals to IMF to Cut Subsidies to Naftogaz

Ukraine to Submit Proposals to IMF to Cut Subsidies to Naftogaz

Ukraine is preparing to submit proposals to the International Monetary Fund to reduce subsidies to state gas company Naftogaz without raising tariffs for the population, Deputy Prime Minister Yuriy Boyko was quoted as saying on Thursday.

IENE’s Annual «Energy and Development» to Focus on Sustainable Development and Geopolitics

IENE’s Annual «Energy and Development» to Focus on Sustainable Development and Geopolitics

As energy markets, especially in Europe, are currently in turmoil, IENE’s 18th National Energy Conference “Energy and Development 2013” (Athens, 3-4 December, 2013) comes at a critical junction to examine latest developments in Greece but also in the broader SE Europe region, thus attracting among its speakers senior executives from the EU Commission, the International Energy Agency, the Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES) in London and other acknowledged international energy institutes and organizations

Vestas Wind Systems Net Loss Narrows, Ups Margin, Cash Flow Guidance

Vestas Wind Systems Net Loss Narrows, Ups Margin, Cash Flow Guidance

Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS.KO) said Wednesday its third quarter net loss narrowed to EUR87 million as its turnaround efforts continue according to plan, and upgraded its full year Ebit margin and free cash flow guidance.

Centrica Enters New Gas Deal With Qatar Worth GBP4.4 Billion

Centrica Enters New Gas Deal With Qatar Worth GBP4.4 Billion

Integrated energy company Centrica PLC (CNA.LN), said Wednesday it has entered into a four-and-a-half-year 4.4 billion pound ($7.04 billion) contract with Qatar to secure further liquefied natural gas supplies for the U.K. up to 2018.

Iraq Vows to Work With BP on Controversial Oil Field

Iraq Vows to Work With BP on Controversial Oil Field

Iraq said Wednesday it would proceed with work alongside British energy giant BP plc (BP) on a controversial northern oilfield, in a move likely to spark anger in the country's Kurdish region.

Iran Ready to Agree Nuclear Program Deal

Iran Ready to Agree Nuclear Program Deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday said Iran was ready to reach an agreement on Tehran's nuclear program during upcoming talks in Geneva without offering details on how a deal might be reached.

Subsidies for Nuclear and Fossil Fuels Distort Competition - EC

Subsidies for Nuclear and Fossil Fuels Distort Competition - EC

Subsidies for nuclear and fossil fuels distort competition between different energy sources and increase the overall cost to society of electricity generation, the European Commission states in a series of non-binding documents on state intervention in energy markets.