English Edition

IENE Launches Fund Drive During «Back to Business» Event

IENE Launches Fund Drive During «Back to Business» Event

On the occasion of the start of the new autumn/winter season (2014-2015) the Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE) held, on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, its annual "Back to Business” event. This year’s "Back to Business”, which took place at the hospitable and historical grounds of the Yacht Club of Greece in Kastella, Piraeus, brought together approximately 100 executives from the energy sector of Greece and, also, from other countries of SE Europe

Commission Publishes Results of Retail Food Study

Commission Publishes Results of Retail Food Study

The European Commission has unveiled the results of a comprehensive study about the evolution of choice and innovation in food products in Europe during the last decade. The results show that the entry of new competitors always increases choice and innovation

Bulgarias July Power Output Rises 11.9% m/m

Bulgaria's July Power Output Rises 11.9% m/m

Production of electricity in Bulgaria rose by 11.9% on a monthly basis to 3,902 gigawatt-hours in July, the National Statistics Institute (NSI) said on Tuesday

Readmission Agreement Between Turkey and the EU Enters Into Force

Readmission Agreement Between Turkey and the EU Enters Into Force

European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, welcomed the today's entry into force of theReadmission Agreement between Turkey and the EU. Commissioner said that this "represents important progress in the perspective of visa liberalisation"

Letter from President Barroso to President Putin

Letter from President Barroso to President Putin

The following letter was sent today by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: "Mr. President, Following your letter of 17 September, I would like to welcome the constructive engagement from all sides in the trilateral ministerial meeting on the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement,

EU’s Cold War With Russia Worries German Business

EU’s Cold War With Russia Worries German Business

German business, including some major energy companies, are frustrated that “the political war” between EU and Russia has become an “economic war that we’re going to lose,” a German source in Berlin with knowledge of the issue, told New Europe

Bulgaria to Seek Rescheduling of PPAs with Private TPPs

Bulgaria to Seek Rescheduling of PPAs with Private TPPs

Bulgaria's caretaker government plans to seek rescheduling of the long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) signed with two coal-fired power plants owned by U.S. companies, the energy ministry said on Friday

Kosovo Seeks Consultant for Power Network Upgrade

Kosovo Seeks Consultant for Power Network Upgrade

Kosovo power grid operator KOSTT has invited interested parties to submit expressions of interest for an 800,000 euro ($1.0 million) consultancy deal for network strengthening and improvement, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said

Hungary Halts Gas to Ukraine

Hungary Halts Gas to Ukraine

The Ukrainian gas company, Naftogaz has been informed that gas flows from Hungary were halted at 7pm Thursday evening. In an email from Hungarian TSO FGSZ to Ukrainian TSO Ukrtransgaz said the halt was due to technical reasons "“untilfurther notice”

EBRD Mulls $150 Mln Loan to Turkeys Gurmat Elektrik for 123.3 MW Geothermal Project

EBRD Mulls $150 Mln Loan to Turkey's Gurmat Elektrik for 123.3 MW Geothermal Project

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said it is considering providing a senior loan of up to $150 million (118 million euro) to Turkish firm Gurmat Elektrik Uretim for the development of a 123.3MW geothermal power plant (GPP) in the western Turkish province of Aydin

Romania - Moldova Fail to Reach Agreement on Gas

Romania - Moldova Fail to Reach Agreement on Gas

A gas pipeline linking Romania to Moldova and aimed at reducing the latter's dependence on Russian gasis still not being used, a month after being launched,as the parties have failed to reach an agreement, Romania's state energy department said on Thursday

Oettinger Speaks on EU’s Changing Energy Market

Oettinger Speaks on EU’s Changing Energy Market

Vice-Commissioner and Commissioner of Energy Gunther Oettinger addressed the current state of energy security and energy diversity and forecasted changes in the European Union’s energy mix in the future