English Edition

Putin Warns USA Not to Interfere

Putin Warns USA Not to Interfere

Russian President VladimirPutinaccused the USA oftrying to make Russia submissive; an effort he said won't succeed

Russian FM Rejects Intervention in Oil Production

Russian FM Rejects Intervention in Oil Production

Russia's foreign minister says there should be no intervention in global energy production, even as the country's economy takes a hit from rapidly falling oil prices

Turkey to Increase Gas Imports from Algeria

Turkey to Increase Gas Imports from Algeria

Turkey will increase its gas imports from Algeria under a new bilateral gas deal, Turkey’s ruling party Ak Parti said on Thursday

Turkeys Tupras to Buy Oil from Iraq

Turkey's Tupras to Buy Oil from Iraq

Turkish oil refiner Tupras will purchase from the National Oil Company of Iraq the oil extracted by the semi-autonomous administration of northern Iraq’s Kurdistan region, Turkish media reported on Thursday

Turkeys Petkim to Raise Capital of Unit Petlim by 81%

Turkey's Petkim to Raise Capital of Unit Petlim by 81%

Turkish petrochemicals major Petkim Petrokimya Holdings said it has decided to raise the capital of its wholly-owned port operating unit Petlim Limancilik by 80.7% to 150 million Turkish lira ($68 million/54 million euro)

Turkey Extends Bidding Deadline for Three Thermal Power Plants

Turkey Extends Bidding Deadline for Three Thermal Power Plants

Turkey’s Privatization Administration said it has extended the deadline for submission of bids for the privatization of three thermal power plants with combined capacity of 1,565 megawatts (MW), all located in western Turkey

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica 9-Mo Net Profit Drops 68%

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica 9-Mo Net Profit Drops 68%

Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Romania's sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda, said its nine-monthnet profit dropped 68%to 99.8 million lei ($28.2million/22.6million euro) hurt bylower power prices and a newtax introduced at the beginning of the year

Carlsberg Unit Merges With Greek Olympic Brewery

Carlsberg Unit Merges With Greek Olympic Brewery

In a move to bolster its position in Greece, Carlsberg says its local brewer will merge with Greek beer-maker Olympic Brewery and hold a 51-percent share in the new company

Sefcovic Demands Stronger Energy Diplomacy

Sefcovic Demands Stronger Energy Diplomacy

European Commission Vice-President for the Energy Union Maros Sefcovic said that improving Europe’s diplomatic relationships with other nations is fundamental to strengthening Europe’s energy security